The SHINE In Action Life Coaching program includes five modules.

The Origins of SHINE

Throughout my years of teaching, I researched and developed systems for placing essential tools of resilience, revitalization, and self-empowerment into the hands of lifelong learners. This work led me on a global quest to find answers from 14 extraordinary human beings who have achieved great success in life endeavors. My research culminated in the book SHINE Life Lessons Revealed, published in 2015, the foundation of the SHINE in Action Consulting/Coaching Program.  

Throughout my educational career, I attended a plethora of training sessions. I found the best sessions hands-on, personal, and relevant. Thus, I developed SHINE in Action around these concepts - ten hours of interactive, reflective, thought-provoking, engaging, and fun activities. 

Five Essential Goals

SHINE in Action provides five essential approaches with tried and tested goals:

Mastering self-knowledge - Knowing one's strengths (and how to maximize them), one's challenges (and how to turn them into strengths), triggers (and how to go untriggered), and effectively drawing upon one's support system. 

Having a heart for others - Fully understanding our impact upon those with whom we live, work, and interact. Striving to foster productive and harmonious relationships. 

Keeping intentional - Having clear and consistent expectations, defining and achieving goals and objectives, working in advance to economize time, streamlining processes, and experiencing the satisfaction of checking items off an ever-growing "to-do" list. 

Developing resilience - Understanding how to resolve and circumvent the inevitable daily challenges. Using effective strategies to evaluate and modify approaches to problem-solving and keeping a solutions-oriented perspective. 

Maintaining an uplifting outlook - Striving for positive outcomes, embracing possibility, rejecting negative self-talk, engaging in affirming attitudes, and shifting difficult situations to opportunities for growth and improvement.

“The SHINE in Action program is very well organized. I found the content super helpful, and the assignments helped me work through some things and move forward. I've made some big business changes since the course concluded. I've expanded my studio space, am growing my business and using what I've learned. The content also helps me with my clients.”


Jon Magnus, Life Coach

Welcome to SHINE In Action!

— Jon